It’s all about the Prizes!
The grand prize of $15,000 CASH is what everyone on the ice is vying for! There will be a total of $60,000 in cash and prizes given out on February 24, 2024. Prizes for the largest fish caught, first fish caught for Adults & Youth, Skunked Prize for someone that didn’t catch a fish, Early Bird draw for all Early Bird ticket purchasers, and the list goes on….
You will have the chance to win an assortment of outdoor gear, camping equipment and accessories.
Sponsors have contributed gift certificates and products including cutting-edge fishing electronics, such as fish finders or underwater cameras, enhancing the angling experience for the lucky recipients.
These diverse and appealing prizes contribute to the inclusive and festive atmosphere of the Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby, motivating participants of all ages to join in the excitement and compete for fantastic rewards. Get in on the action and buy your Early Bird tickets now!