Probe Research - Participant Survey

We were excited to announce that one of the valued sponsors of the 2025 Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby, Probe Research, generously offered to create a participant survey following the event as part of their sponsorship. This survey will help us gather valuable feedback, ensuring that we can continue to improve and enhance the experience for all involved.

About Probe Research:

Probe Research is a well-established market research firm based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. With decades of experience, they specialized in conducting surveys, analyzing data, and providing insights that helped businesses, organizations, and communities make informed decisions. Their team of experts used advanced methodologies and innovative techniques to gather feedback, ensuring high-quality results.

As part of their sponsorship, Probe Research aimed to help the Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby enhance its future editions by gaining deeper insights into the experiences of participants. By completing the survey after the event, participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts, suggestions, and any areas for improvement. Their feedback was invaluable in shaping future derbies and helping us continue to provide a top-notch experience.

We thanked Probe Research for their support and appreciated all participants who took the time to complete the survey.

Research Objectives

Probe Research conducted a survey of those who attended the 2025 Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby (LdB Ice) on February 22, 2025, to measure their satisfaction with this event.


LdB Ice provided Probe Research with a list of 667 unique individuals who registered for the event through its online ticketing software. Probe Research sent an online survey to participants, with the survey open for completion between February 25 and March 5, 2025. An initial invitation email was sent on February 25, with two reminder emails sent while the survey was open for completion.

Survey Key Findings:

Those who attended the LdB Ice Fishing Derby on February 22, 2025 are highly satisfied with this event.

▪ Nearly all those who attended are likely to take part in the Derby again, including three-quarters who are very likely to do so.

▪ Two-thirds are highly likely to encourage others to attend, with very few indicating they would not recommend this event to people they know.

▪ Participants are most likely to be satisfied with how this event provides support to the community, and how well-organized it was. Satisfaction with the number and quality of prizes is also strong, although somewhat more muted than these other two aspects of the Derby.

▪ Feedback for improvement focused mainly on offering more prizes for those who catch fish, ensuring the Derby remains affordable, turning down the volume of the PA system and making the staging area more accessible for those with mobility challenges.

▪ Nearly one-half of Derby attendees have taken part in it before, although a similar proportion indicate that this was their first time taking part in this event. Those who have not taken part in the Derby in the past are most likely to have heard about it via word of mouth, Facebook or signs/posters.

▪ About four in ten participants come from Winnipeg, with a slightly lower proportion of attendees coming from the Lac du Bonnet area and other parts of Eastern Manitoba. The Selkirk/Lockport area and the Interlake are also significant sources of participants. More than six in ten attendees are over the age of 45, including one in ten who are 65 years and over.

Click on the link below to view the entire survey results. Thank you to those that participated in the survey.

The winner of the Survey Draw is GORDON GRAY who has won 2 Adult tickets for next year’s Derby to be held on February 28, 2026!